An athlete and an artist, Nicole Campbell has 12 years of experience capturing videos and photos, while making the most of the outdoors. She has a distinct creative style that captures the essence of every story.

Behind the camera, she creates images that capture the ideas of those who partner with her. With authentic reach and lots of joy, you’ll create something epic, together.

An avid outdoors woman and multi-sport athlete, she spends as much of her daylight hours as she can in the saddle, enjoying the SoCal surf, and basking in the sunshine.





Nicole is constantly working to create community wherever she is. Her home is in the small coastal town of Ventura, where the mountains meet the sea. She inspires people to get outdoors and she creates welcoming environments for all people and abilities. Her mission is to redefine the boundaries of women.

Ventura Coffee Ride

It all began with an idea—

Some of Nicole’s friends were ideating on a group ride, all about coffee and friends. Early Friday mornings seemed ideal, before folks head into work.

For over a year now, a large group— of pro and amateur cyclists— brave the early morning hours to celebrate the week. It’s a no drop ride where we get a few morning miles and enjoy some good coffee together.

For some, it’s a weekly workout. For others, its a zone 2 shakeout ride to prep for the weekend. Either way, it’s a way for us to create community around things we love: Ventura, coffee and friends.